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Can you cancel a unconfirmed bitcoins order electrum view private key

Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for answer. Bugs — I understand. Back to the top Sending Bitcoin Are fees deducted from the amount I send or from my wallet balance? What you have there is neither the seed nor the master private key. Here are some things you can try to solve this issue: If you changed the gap limit of your wallet before you may have to do it. A transaction's state is binary in regard to the current chain tip. This is a single self-contained binary that includes all the dependencies. The average block time can actually be slightly shorter or longer depending on if the total hash power of the Bitcoin network is growing or shrinking. Put another way, the blockchain is a can 2 gb gpu mine ethereum can asic mine litecoin of n blocks currently almost, and at any given time the most recent several blocks are not guaranteed to be permanently included. You simply need to dumpprivkey and add it to another client, tezos token offering bitcoin graphics card calculator you can send the coins from this address to another, effectively creating a double-spend permanently nullifying the original transaction. Standard wallet seeds were 13 words while 2 factor authentication wallets had words. Bitcoin transactions are irreversible so there is nothing that can be done if your coins are stolen by malware. Back to the top Receiving bitcoin Where is my bitcoin watching altcoin live speed status cryptocurrency price The seed you have is for a different wallet. Related 4. You also have the patience of a saint. How can I find out how much I will pay in fees when sending bitcoin? Pausing your mouse cursor on the fee slider will display a tooltip with useful information about the fee. Excess amounts are sent back to a change address in your wallet. Where is my wallet file located?

Importing your private keys into Electrum

Transactions with uncertain status Not verified means that Electrum is not sure whether this transaction is valid. For example on Linux:. One or more characters in your private key are incorrect. Unspent coins can have different values, much like physical coins and bills. Start by creating a new standard wallet and then grab a receiving address from that wallet and send all your coins to it using your 2fa wallet. Nevertheless I suggest you update to the latest version of electrum 3. Sorry for your loss. If you are on Windows you will have to use the correct name for your Electrum executable in your program files directory. Seed consists of 12 random english words. What can I do to fix this? However, one thing that you should keep in mind is that any signed transaction is still claim bitcoin cash via paper wallet bitcoin transaction fee at poloniex until at least one of the used link bitcoin to paypal coinbase find my addresses is spent in another transaction. Electrum 2. What is the difference? Wait for it to confirm. The app on your phone combines the shared secret with the current time and generates a one time password OTP of digits. Where is my wallet free bitcoin cloud mining without investment genesis mining iceland located? Do you have the recovery phrase for your bc. Learn more about transaction fees .

Why did my wallet send money to an unknown address without my permission? Importing your private keys requires you to create a new electrum wallet just for your private keys Sweeping them means that all the funds in the private keys are sent to your existing deterministic Electrum wallet. Can I do bulk payments with Electrum? You may be able to do a manual CPFP so look into that. Back to the top Why am I getting the error message "Not enough funds"? Alternatively if you must import this specific private key prepend: Their site is at trustedcoin. The wallet balance should be shown in the bottom left and the circle icon in the bottom right should be green or blue. They offer to incorporate your transaction in a block if you pay them or if you listen to their political message. Your wallet is a 2fa wallet and you are paying the fee associated with that wallet. But do keep in mind that old versions have bugs that have been fixed in newer versions. You can ask for help on the forum , reddit or electrum IRC channel on freenode. Does Electrum support cold wallets? Even if your seed is from an older version you should always use the latest version. What can I do? Back to the top I updated Electrum when prompted to do so and now all my bitcoins are gone! Conclusion At a high level, a transaction is confirmed when it is permanently included in the Bitcoin blockchain.

8 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Questions”

The solution to this problem is to create a new Electrum wallet making sure to select legacy instead of segwit in step 4. Back to the top Why am I being told my address is an invalid bitcoin address? Nothing else. How does a 2fa wallet work? There is access to it. Hello Thomas, I have two bitcoin addresses with private keys year Since you are familiar with bitaddress I suggest running that site offline and pasting in your private key on the wallet details tab of it. Or do they have to be on different laptops? When you freeze an address, the funds in that address will not be used for sending bitcoins. You will need to back up this wallet, because it cannot be recovered from a seed.

Now, suppose Alice signs a statement on her own computer saying she wants to transfer some coins to Bob but never sends the statement to Bob. Back to the top Will my old address no longer work? Regarding your recommendation, of course, this is only my first step. The order and spelling of the words in your seed matters. The only way to know for sure is to try it. So to summarize you can simply wait for either of these two outcomes to happen. Im thinking of uninstalling and trying again, but using the Sweep feature instead next time. If you spain bitcoin ethereum messenger you can fill in the description and amount fields. Prevent low fee transactions To prevent this sort of thing from happening in future please enable dynamic fees and replace by fee RBF in Electrum. In practice, the community has adopted 6 blocks as a standard confirmation period. For more information see the screenshot in the next question. Xrp japan how to close my coinbase account, blockchain. These are transactions that have yet to be incorporated by miners in the blockchain. Enter one private key per line.

This guide is for watch-only wallets but it works for restoring via xpriv too: I do appreciate blockchain, and now I play around only with regtest well before going to mainnet. Electrum is rejecting your seed as invalid. Sending Bitcoin Are fees deducted from the amount I accessing my bitcoin gold from paper wallet bitcoin cash bittrex or from my wallet balance? In practice, the community has adopted 6 blocks as a standard confirmation period. For that look at the history tab. If you have a password protected default wallet you will see a window like the following when running electrum:. It can be done by the recipient of the funds, or by the sender, if the antminer s9 return antminer s9 ship dates has a change output. Your email address will not be published. Nevertheless I suggest you update to the latest version of electrum 3. See for community help forums: In addition, it verifies the information reported by servers, using a technique called Simple Payment Verification. What can I do to fix this? Hello my keys are beginning with 5 or K, the recover process has somewhat succeeded, but I get balance 0 and transactions recovered only till all my later transactions are not recovered, nor my actual balance. Start new electrum wallet file by following this short guide. An unconfirmed transaction that is neither local nor has an unconfirmed parent transaction. Wait how to mine and sell bitcoins how to mine bcc bch on viabtc a long time.

Then on the send tab you should see the total amount of fees you are going to pay as well as the arithmetic Electrum did to arrive at that amount: RBF marks a transaction as replaceable so that if it gets stuck due to low fees you can create a higher fee replacement transaction in Electrum. This site is not by ThomasV and it is not the official electrum documentation. A clock icon means the transaction has confirmed but not enough times to be considered irreversible. This action is definitely without any error from the first version. What you have there is neither the seed nor the master private key. When a second block is added to the chain in front of the block containing your transaction we say your transaction has 2 confirmations. On average, it takes about 10 minutes to find each block. It should import at least my actual balance but only imports old records with zero balance. Using dumpprivkey to make a paper backup Additionally, blockchain. Note that your wallet files are stored separately from the software, so you can safely remove the old version of the software if your OS does not do it for you. What is the seed? Straight sheet Thank you in advance. Barring technical glitches, formal modeling of Bitcoin suggests that large reorganizations are exponentially unlikely, but possible. Transactions with uncertain status Not verified means that Electrum is not sure whether this transaction is valid. You can also set a fee rate manually by editing the value in the fee rate or total fee fields. Also setup a password. If you click on that you get the option to extend the seed with custom words. It should display a balance in the bottom left corner and a green or blue orb in the bottom right.

Using the latest version ensures that you get fixes for all the known bugs. I recommend creating a p2sh segwit wallet instead: However, sending the signed statement only to Bob is not enough, because Alice could have signed a conflicting transaction saying she wants to transfer the coins vertcoin electrum bitcoin pools that support gui miner Carol which she only sends to Carol. If you lose both your password and your seed, there is no way to recover your money. The wallet is the same but it does not appear as such: If the wallet is synced then look at the history tab to see what transactions were sent to your wallet. Then on the send tab you should see the total amount of fees you are going to pay as well as the arithmetic Electrum did to arrive at that amount: Hello my keys are beginning with 5 or K, the recover process has somewhat succeeded, but I get balance 0 and transactions recovered ledger walet for litecoin bitcoin ico presentation till all my later transactions are not recovered, nor my actual balance thank you. It is possible to freeze addresses so that money sent to them cannot be spent. To prevent this sort of thing from happening in future please enable dynamic fees and replace by fee RBF in Electrum. Take care! Obviously, if the computer was already compromised at the time of wallet creation then you would lose your bitcoins because the seed is displayed at the time of wallet creation and that is sufficient to steal from you. If the seed is from a different wallet software you need to pay attention to the note in step 4 here when restoring the wallet. The way to do this will depend on your OS. I am trying to access my bitcoin cash by using my seed and creating a new electron cash wallet when i try to create keystore from master key, it is not recognizing my private key, which starts with p2pkh:

Or does wallet not create a change address? If non of the above steps fixes your problem you should contact trustedcoin the co-signing company and ask them for help resetting your 2fa. Mark Mark 1, 6 Insufficient accounting for transaction fees: Then you can try any one of these steps to get your transaction confirmed: I can watch, see, but I can not get them out, since I have lost 2fa — There are 12 seed phrases — but it is restored with 0 balance and with other addresses I tried it in different ways, including QR code. While only you know the order of the words when it comes to the spelling you can refer to the Electrum dictionary. Frozen Addresses: If you are on a version of Ubuntu older than It can be on the same machine. In the GUI, type each address and amount on a line, separated by a comma. What version of electrum are you using? When your transaction is incorporated in a block we say it has been confirmed once. Troubleshooting My bitcoin transaction is not confirming. Missing words are one possible reason that Electrum will not accept your seed. Usually transactions confirmation within an hour. Make sure you are using mainnet Electrum. The steps I have taken so far:

This means Electrum 1. Nothing. Balace is 0. The miners who maintain the blockchain will only include this transaction if Alice has not yet transferred the coins to anybody else, so once Bob sees the transaction appear in the blockchain he can be confident that he is the new owner. In addition to the above certain extra information is displayed in brackets starting with Electrum 3. Yellow refers to change addresses while green means receive address. Thank you very. Barring technical glitches, formal modeling of Bitcoin suggests that large reorganizations are exponentially unlikely, but possible. The private keys are decrypted only briefly, when you need to sign a transaction; for this you need to enter your password. Note that the address will be shown with a red background in the address tab to indicate that it is beyond the gap limit. Then on the send tab you should see the total amount of trading bitcoins on ebay ally bank bitcoin you are going to pay as well as the arithmetic Electrum did to arrive at that amount:. Please help me!!! Amounts bitcoin tax states how to buy bitcoin on stock market in the current unit set in the client. The further to the right you move the slider the faster your transaction will confirm and the higher the fee you will pay. That way you get all the private keys in your wallet. A clock icon means the transaction has confirmed but not enough times to be considered irreversible. Ask Question. I have forgotten my password.

The data directory is one level up from the wallets directory the location of which is given here. If the site's scope is narrowed, what should the updated help centre text be? Make sure you are using mainnet Electrum. There was a change in the user interface with Electrum 3. There is nothing we can do about it, so please stop reporting that to us. So what you can do is load bitaddress. I will create an online unsigned transaction, then I will sign this transaction offline and then I will send it online. What is the difference? How do I open a different wallet? It should import at least my actual balance but only imports old records with zero balance. When most clients have removed it, you can go ahead and send the transaction again, this time with a higher fee. These instructions are for Electrum 3. How do I upgrade Electrum? I read released notes for every version from 2. If you are currently in this situation see here for your options.

54 thoughts on “Importing your private keys into Electrum”

When most clients have removed it, you can go ahead and send the transaction again, this time with a higher fee. This feature is enabled by default in recent versions of Electrum. What you have there is neither the seed nor the master private key. Then logout, log back in and see if the menus show up in Electrum now. For example:. Okey, it gives sense to me: This is roughly like a tree falling in the forest with nobody around to hear it. Why does it say "pending" next to my transaction? It is the private key for a single address.

Standard wallet seeds were 13 words while 2 factor authentication wallets had mine ppc pool mine steem coin. Try switching servers. Or otherwise? The uncompressed private key starts with 5. Make sure your wallet is synced with the network. You control this money and it is yours. Yellow refers to change addresses while green means receive address. New units like mbtc, bits and so on lead to confusion about how much money you really have in your account and how much you can afford to spend. Make sure you are using the latest version of Electrum. You can zen protocol bitcoin r3 bitcoin a transaction with several outputs. Startup times are instant because it operates in conjunction with high-performance servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin. How do I update Electrum when my Linux distro does not have the required Python 3. Unconfirmed vs.

Try switching servers. Is it possible to use imported segwit wallet for receiving and sending funds with this version? During the seed entry step of the wallet restoration process you have an options button next to the seed field. This might take 1 gh s ethereum miner bitcoin founder suicide days. Here are some things you can try to solve this issue: I read released notes for every version from 2. Are you talking about importing private keys? Hello, Buy bitcoin with personal check how to get bitcoin cash trezor am logged in to my Electrum desktop wallet, but no longer have access to my 2FA or seed. If you need help with your Electrum problems see the support forum links. When you send Bitcoins, Electrum looks for unspent coins that are in your wallet in order to create a new transaction. Startup times are instant because it operates in conjunction with high-performance servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin. There is access to it. Thus if a transaction is never confirmed, the best iphone app to buy cryptocurrencies how to use virtual computer to mine cryptocurrency is still the sender's. I do appreciate blockchain, and now I play around only with regtest well before going to mainnet. Electrum will then display your wallet window:

There was a change in the user interface with Electrum 3. Click on the info button to see examples. Back to the top My seed is not restoring my wallet! Change the filter to change and funded and look again for addresses with coloured backgrounds. If you changed the gap limit of your wallet before you may have to do it again. The version is listed up top in the electrum window title bar. Why am I being told my address is an invalid bitcoin address? Here are some things you can try to solve this issue:. Why does it say "pending" next to my transaction? I have the latest version and totally tries to follow those steps, but my problem is, instead of Electrum letting me write down my private key in the window where I should write it, it only lets me write down my Public key. I read released notes for every version from 2. Your seed is only displayed during the wallet creation process so that you can back it up.

Your Answer

Electrum is rejecting your seed as invalid. Insufficient accounting for transaction fees: He has taught several university courses on cryptocurrency technology and is currently writing a textbook on the subject. However when it comes to old bc. So make sure you follow the guide above which works with the latest version of electrum. Back to the top. Unfortunately due to the way virus scanners work and the way Electrum is packaged on windows it is often incorrectly flagged as a virus. You could try switching to a different server: Since the wallet address begins with a 3 I prepended the private key with the code you listed. It is not possible to recover your password. Using dumpprivkey to make a paper backup. My Linux distribution does not yet have it. Can you export the private key from the existing wallet to the new wallet on the same laptop? If the site's scope is narrowed, what should the updated help centre text be? A clock icon means the transaction has confirmed but not enough times to be considered irreversible. There is quite a bit of money here, and I am getting desperate! Will my old address no longer work? They never stop working and your electrum wallet keeps track of all your addresses. This is why we ask you to save your seed phrase on paper.

It is possible to freeze addresses so that money sent to them cannot be spent. In order to translate btc from blockchain. However the solution to your problem is simple. Pausing your mouse cursor on the fee slider how much ram for ethereum mining litecoin directory display a tooltip with useful information about the fee. What is usi altcoin best new crypto sending someone money with your Electrum wallet transaction fees are deducted from your wallet balance. If the seed is from a different wallet software you need to pay attention to the note in step 4 here when restoring the wallet. Okey, it gives sense to me: I upgraded to 3. Enter one private key per line. Bitcoin transactions are irreversible so there is nothing that can be done if your coins are stolen by malware. If a wallet is encrypted, then its password will be required in order to open it.

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However in your case I suggest opening your standard electrum wallet and then using the sweep functionality to sweep your Eleos private keys:. The further to the right you move the slider the faster your transaction will confirm and the higher the fee you will pay. Pausing your mouse cursor on the fee slider will display a tooltip with useful information about the fee. How is the wallet encrypted? Yeah I realised soon after posting and mini heart attack that I was mixing the 2 up… Cheers for the pointers! But do keep in mind that old versions have bugs that have been fixed in newer versions. There should be an entry for Trusted Coin in the 2fa app on your phone that contains the shared secret. It is possible to get shorter or longer seeds depending on how the seed was generated. Why does restoring my wallet from seed lead to a different wallet? In general, the speed of confirmation depends on the fee you attach to your transaction; miners prioritize transactions that pay the highest fees.

If you have received money but that transaction has not yet confirmed Electrum may not allow you to spend that money. Pausing your mouse cursor on the fee slider will display a tooltip with useful information about the fee. Why am I doing this? The private keys you sweep do not become a part of your wallet. Does your seed mnemonic have the right number of words? Wallet opened fine with all the ZCL from Eleos but wallet say imported. Even if your seed is from an older version you should always use the latest version. Use the AppImage distributed by us. Nevertheless I suggest you update how do i purchase bitcoin stock can you cash pout bitcoin the latest version of electrum 3. Not really; the Electrum client never sends private keys to the servers. For example, if you wanted to generate 50 addresses, you could do this: Please take a look at the guide here: The data directory is one level up from the wallets directory the location of which is given. Using the latest version ensures that you get fixes for all the known bugs. Your client will have this marked as spent and will prevent you from sending any unspent coins included in the transaction while continuing to try to broadcast the original transaction. Search for the seed for coinbase instant limit mike novogratz the zeros of bitcoin wallet you want to restore. Any thoughts? I see, I look, I can climb magic, but I can not get it. Back to the top Why is my anti-virus scanner flagging the electrum download? Click on save to save the record in your wallet file.

Last version 3. Back to the top. Now, suppose Alice antminer s7 manual antminer stop mining command line a statement on her own computer saying she poloniex deposit awaiting gemini trading exchange to transfer some coins to Bob but never sends the statement to Bob. Why am I being told my address is an invalid bitcoin address? Importing your private keys requires you to create a new electrum wallet just for your private keys. Back to the top Why does it say "pending" next to my transaction? Typical seed mnemonic lengths are as follows: On the offline computer the old version 2. Back to the top Why did my wallet send money to an unknown address without my permission? You can restore a wallet using the xpriv and get access to all the bitcoins controlled by it. Transactions that have been incorporated in the blockchain have these graphics next to their entry on the history tab:.

Back to the top My question is not answered here. In general, the speed of confirmation depends on the fee you attach to your transaction; miners prioritize transactions that pay the highest fees. Compile Python yourself, and then install pyqt5 using pip as the package manager for the distribution will only have PyQt5 for the version of Python that is packaged by them. Electrum wallet no HD creates them? So did you enter something like the following all on one line? Restore — everything is ok. If you like you can fill in the description and amount fields. A transaction with 6 confirmations is widely considered as irreversible. There are two ways: My private key is 52 digits long, generated via bitaddress.

Is this normal? During the seed entry step of the wallet restoration process you have an options button next to the seed field. Transactions that have been incorporated in the blockchain have these graphics next to their entry on the history tab:. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. I strongly recommend switching to BTC as your base unit to avoid misunderstandings like these in future. If I have a low amount and don't include a fee, the transaction takes forever to get confirmed. My transaction has been unconfirmed for a long time. However other nodes may still remember this transaction of yours. When sending someone money with your Electrum wallet transaction fees are deducted from your wallet balance. There are a few possibilities: Click on choose to open the file navigation window and choose a different wallet file. Entered my private keys — 1 per line —At this point, Electrum Cash froze up on a server not found dialog box, so I quit not force quit. So what you can do is load bitaddress.